报 告 人:刘志远 教授
Traffic assignment is a fundamental tool to evaluate the flow distribution pattern in a transport network. As one of the most recognized theory for traffic assignment, user equilibrium is widely investigated and implemented. Most of the existing algorithms for the user equilibrium-based traffic assignment problem are developed and implemented sequentially. This study aims to study and investigate the parallel computing approach to utilize the widely available parallel computing resources. The Parallel Block-Coordinate Descent (PBCD) algorithm is developed based on the path-based algorithm, i.e, the improved path-based gradient projection algorithm (iGP). A parallel block-coordinate method is proposed to replace the widely used Gauss-Seidel method for the procedure of path flow adjustment. To further improve the robustness/performance of the algorithm, the iPBCD algorithm is developed based on the state-of-the-art PBCD algorithm. A different type of flow update policy is studied and investigated intensively. The block size is determined using a sensitive test, and five indices-grouping rules are compared. Besides, a greedy update order of block indexes is introduced to compare with the cyclic scheme. Moreover, a new algorithm is developed based on the alternating direction method of multipliers (ADMM). In order to take use of the ADMM, the network links should be grouped into several blocks, where the links in the same block are disconnected. This link grouping problem falls into the category of edge-coloring problem in graph theory, and it follows the Vizing theorem. Numerical examples show that the proposed algorithms perform well in convergence and efficiency and can significantly reduce the computing time.
主要研究领域包括交通网络规划与管理、交通大数据分析与建模、公共交通、多模式物流网络等。迄今为止在这些领域中发表学术论文百余篇,其中被SCI/SSCI期刊检索70余篇,论文被引用2000余次。担任交通研究领域知名SCI期刊ASCE Journal of Transportation Engineering以及IET Intelligent Transport Systems副主编,担任国际期刊Transportation Research Part E(SCI/SSCI)、Transportation Research Record(SCI)、Journal of Transport and Land Use(SSCI)编委。指导学生获得多项国内外大数据算法比赛奖项(皆为前三名),包括被誉为“大数据比赛世界杯”的KDD CUP冠军(2020年)、与第二名(2019)年,及其他同为人工智能三大国际顶级赛事的IJCAI(冠军,2019年)。此外还包括,2016年阿里巴巴天池大赛算法挑战赛冠军、2016年首届滴滴算法大赛-亚军、2017年美国TRB大会数据分析比赛优秀论文奖、2017年CCF大数据与计算智能大赛亚军、2017年Ucar Artificial Intelligence Cup冠军(IEEE computer society)、2018年阿里巴巴天池大赛冠军、2019年数字中国创新大赛大数据比赛一等奖等。