报告平台:腾讯会议 ID:445 555 519
报 告 人:彭希羡 研究员
Handedness is a fundamental human adaptation that significantly influences human judgment and preference. The effects of handedness may be recast in the digital environment, as the different interfaces that people use to explore on-screen objects can affect the availability of perceptuomotor resources for action affordance to use their dominant hands. With four studies, we provide neural, behavioral, and field evidence suggesting that when interacting with touch interfaces, people’s dominant hands are free for preparing for acting on objects and thus they favor objects oriented to the dominant-hand side, whereas limited bodily actions by using non-touch interfaces impede perceptuomotor resources for forming action affordance and mitigate the effects of handedness on object evaluation and preference.
彭希羡,浙江大学管理学院“百人计划研究员”、博士生导师。研究兴趣包括网站交互和互联网内容设计,跨文化的网站设计研究,社交商务,人工智能交互等。结合行为研究方法,实地实验及认知神经科学方法(如眼动技术和脑电技术)研究人机界面设计对于用户感知,认知及决策的影响。论文发表于Information Systems Research(UTD 24种期刊), Decision Support Systems, Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology,Computers in Human Behavior等国际期刊上。获2021年浙江省第二十一届哲学社会科学优秀成果一等奖。任管理科学与工程学会神经管理与神经工程分会副秘书长。